CdWO4 Cadmium tungstate crystal is a high density, high atomic number scintillator with a relatively high light yield. The emission maximum is at 475nm and the total light output is 12 to 15 photons/keV. The light yield relative to NaI(Tl) on a bialkali PMT is 30 to 50%. In addition, it also has the advantages of strong radiation resistance and no radioactive background. CdWO4 array is widely used in fast inspection applications, such as luggage, container and vehicle scanning for security. And its advantages of high light output and low afterglow make it ideal for medical and industrial Computed Tomography (CT) scanners.
OST photonics is able to supply CdWO4 linear arrays and CdWO4 2-D arrays according to our customers’ requirements. We usually use titanium dioxide (TiO2) as the reflector between each single pixel (element).